Category: <span>Hobbies</span>


Pakjesavond 1975 en vol verwachting klopt mijn hart, want hoewel er al aardig wat pakjes vergeven zijn, ligt er ook nog 1 die voor mijn 3 broers en mij is bestemd. Eindelijk is “het” pakket aan de beurt en kunnen wij het uitpakken. Het blijkt te gaan om het spel …

Bird Photography

Hello all! In this post I want to talk to you about bird photography, and why its fun to do! This is not a post for professional photographers, but just for beginning enthusiast photographers, who want to do more with their new bought DSLR, or mirror-less camera. I Own a …

Photographing Bridges

Hello everyone! In this post I want to talk to you about photographing bridges. Wait… What?? Why would you want to photograph a simple bridge? Well, that’s easy, because bridges are in most cases the work of talented architects who came up with some of the most amazing structures out …